Direkt vom Schreibtisch von Dr. Wagner
Meinungen, Informationen und Nachrichten ür eine bessere Gesundheitsversorgung der Frauen.
Dr. Wagner bietet ihre einzigartige Erfahrung mit Diskussionen und Meinungen zu den neuesten Themen der weiblichen Gesundheitsvorsorge, Chirurgie und Schönheitstherapien an.
Wo wichtige Informationen weitergegeben werden müssen. Von Hinweisen auf die neuesten Leitlinien bis hin zu allgemeinen Gesundheitstipps.
Interessante Artikel, die Dr. Wagner gelesen hat und weitergeben möchte. Aus allgemeinen neuen Websites und wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften.
Women who suffer from urinary incontinence may have a higher risk of genital lichen sclerosus. This is indicated by study results from England. Lisa Kirby from the University of Nottingham investigated whether there is a connection between incontinence and lichen...
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Labiaplasty & choosing the right Surgeon… the wrong choice could be a very costly mistake.
September 15, 2022
There are numerous horror stories of women choosing to get labiaplasty without proper analysis, good surgical backup, or even choosing to do so purely based on price. Dr. Wagner often see's these women after the fact, coming for help restoring...
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New contraceptives from 2022 – Two new pills will be introduced in 2022.
September 1, 2022
A new progesterone-only pill will be offered in the form of Slinda (initially only available in Germany) with the active ingredient drospirenone. This is suitable if a combined pill with oestrogens is not possible due to an increased risk of...
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Advances in laser hair removal for people with dark skin or with suntan during the summer months
August 27, 2022
Laser hair removal for people with dark skin (phototype IV-VI) or sun-tanned skin was not possible until now. However, this can now be done safely and effectively on all people thanks to the latest technologies. The Nd:YAG laser in particular...
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There’s a new Non- Hormonal Contraceptive Coil in town… what is it? And when will it be available?
April 29, 2022
Non-hormonal contraception with a new coil called the Ballerine IUB or intrauterine ball from OCON medical... The Ballerine IUB (intrauterine ball) was developed by OCON Medical and launched in Austria in 2014. Much of Europe has had the IUB as...
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